Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fezzypug welcomes you!


Hello internet wanderer and welcome to the blog!  My name is Fezzypug and I am, of course, the Fez in Fez Flip.  To answer your initial questions:  yes, I own and wear a number of fine fezzes from the grand fez makers Fez-o-Rama (handmade, beautifully crafted, check them out), and no I do not currently have a pug (but I did and I love the breed).  

Let me tell you a bit about myself.  I am a game fanatic:  role-playing games, board games, video games (PC, PS4 currently, but have owned almost every console up to the present generation).  I enjoy immersive stories and deep characters, , so in the case of board games I lean towards thematic and cooperative, though I am happy to play almost anything.  Video games with rpg elements are my usual choice, though I am not above a good strategy or FPS (first person shooter, for you elderly souls out there).  

Role-playing games (RPG) are my first love in gaming, however.  Given a choice, I would choose a good RPG any day of the week.  I tend to run games instead of playing, thanks to my love of crafting stories and developing settings in order to help my group create their own stories.  It is hard to find something more satisfying than running a game so entertaining that your group is still telling the tale years later.  I have a particular fondness for the weird west, in particular the Deadlands (Classic) RPG from Pinnacle Entertainment, and the cyclopean eldritchness of Call of Cthulhu RPG.  I will play or run almost any RPG rule set or setting, however.  If it is an RPG, I am in.

As my esteemed colleague states, I enjoy words.  More to the point, I enjoy the stories and emotions that words can create, which is why I am happy to take part in this grand blogging experiment.  I look forward to talking games, movies, pop culture, writing, and anything else with you and hope that you enjoy what you read.  I hope this can become a community, and that we can help you discover new ideas and new stories to share with your own groups, creating a ripple effect of excitement and awesomeness.  I have big dreams under this fez…

Again, welcome to the blog.  Pull up a comfy chair by the fire, pour yourself a tea, don your favorite fez, and let’s chat.  


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