Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Adrift: 1 hour mmo

Normally adrift is about rpgs that we will never run, in this case I'm going with complicated computer RPG that I will never create.

I don't have a great relation ship with MMO's, I know lots of people who put a lot of hours in on them, playing multiple characters to max level. My experiences have been different, I usually play for a while, get about a quarter of the way through the level grind, get bored and move on. The only MMO that I played to max level was Guild Wars 2, and there is probably a good blog post in what GW2 does right. Despite having never enjoyed an MMO long term I have had enough good experiences that sometimes I get that hankering, I hear about a game, or just decide I need to level something up. The lure of building a character up over time dances just at the edge of reason and I download some tedius free to play. But in general I'm looking for a more condensed experience.

Early on when I was telling my friends about League of Legends I described it as having a character that you level up and buy gear for over the course of 40 mintues, a hyper accelerated diablo. But League really isn't that, it is a twitch pvp game with some rpg elements, but it got me thinking, what if the super fast rpg did exist? What would it look like? The one hour MMO.

The base idea is that you do all the things you do in an MMO over the course of a single hour. You get a fresh character at level 1, and over the course of the next hour you explore, adventure and level up. At the end of the hour the world resets and you do it all over again. Speedrunning for MMOs. The fact that each game you are going from 0 to max level means that you can play with your friends without worrying about who is what level.

So how do you make a game like that interesting and not frustrating? I think you make it incredibly difficult. Kind of like a dark souls situation. The world would be mostly static with set world bosses, dungeons and locations. There would be some randomness in creature spawns perhaps, but in general a person should be able to get better at a particular dungeon or location over time. I would set some kind of crazy goal to 'win' the game. The world is destroyed over and over reborn in fire and monsters, but if all the world bosses are defeated everyone on the server gets a 'win'. There would be a ton of mini bosses scattered around a piles of achievements. Even though the game experience is only an hour, there would be lots of goals that persist on your account. Who will be the first person to kill one of every mob, or complete all the dungeons?

There would be tons of highly specialized classes. As you play and complete goals you unlock more classes that you can play in future worlds. Maybe some classes would even be specialized for defeating certain world bosses or whatnot. There would be specialized gathering and crafting classes. Of course that means that there is gathering and crafting.

Gathering and crafting would be different than most MMO's there would be no market or gold economy to speak of. As you gathered materials they would either go to your personal inventory for crafting or more likely materials just instantly go into a global bank of resources anyone can craft out of. If you are in a guild maybe your materials all go to the guilds bank. Probably there would be an xp buff for sending your resources to the global bank. There would be of course be tiers of resources, and unlocking classes would allow you to gather more epic resources. Maybe some percentage of the resources you harvest would persist into your next games bank, so if you were a crafter you don't 100 % have to depend on other people gathering.

Crafting would be stolen from my friend Chris's table top version of an MMO, swordsphere. Basically in addition to basic materials there would be a mat called essences. Essence drops rarely when you kill a monster, bosses and mini bosses drop unique essences. There are no set crafting recipes, so you wouldn't be able to look up the stuff on wiki and know how to build everything. Maybe there are some basic set recipes, like making a sword is the same for everyone. But if you throw essences or other random mats in while crafting you have a chance to create a unique magic item. You take a sword and throw a swamp essence in, maybe a hamburger, and if you get a lucky roll you get the Misty sword of condiments. It has a chance to proc swamp based effects or hamburger based effects. Most of the time when experimenting you won't get anything, but when you do you get a unique recipe that belongs only to you, so as long as the mats are in the bank you can make that sword all day.

There are no shops and you don't have to return to town to shop. So if you are out adventuring and you see someone crafted the burger sword in the trading window you can get it. Weapons would have level requirements, and there would be a way for crafters to see what kinds of items are on the most wanted list.

Classes might be extremely specialized, each one with only one weapon type, or a set of spells, or damage type. I could see it like an inverted branching pyramid where you unlock the two classes under a particular class to unlock it.

So I would see the game working something like this. I log on and get into a pre world lobby. That lobby lists all the classes that everyone else has picked already. I see that nobody is gathering wood yet, so I pick woodcutter. None of my other friends are on, so I'm ok gathering this game. The world boots up and I wander into the woods and have a chill stardew valley like experience chopping down trees, fighting wandering beasts and stacking logs in the bank. Maybe I see someone crafted a unique chopping axe, so I pick that up. I earn xp toward lumberjack, and ranger which are both advanced classes that can gather wood. Maybe if I have played a shaman before I can get unlock points toward druid.

Another night three of my friends are on, so we all get set to roll with a tank dps healer trio, and make a run on a minor boss that none of us has killed before. We meet some people who are going for a world boss raid, go on the raid with them and get destroyed because we don't have the right kinds of damage etc for it. Getting a 'win' on a world would require several guilds working together each going after a different world boss. You would have to farm the proper mini bosses to feed the crafters the right essences to build their unique epics. You could have a fun hour doing whatever random thing you want, but the hardcore crowd also has their super challenges.

Sorry for the random brain spill on this one, wasn't sure how to start eating the elephant on this one.

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